Why You Should Consider Adding More Omega-3s to Your Diet and Skin Care Routine

Most people think of omega-3s as something that increases the health of their heart. However, omega-3 fatty acids also have many other health benefits. In fact, foods that are rich in these fats—such as walnuts, flaxseed, and salmon—have been shown to promote healthy skin, fight inflammation, and lower a person’s risk of having heart disease and Alzheimer’s. Inevitably, if you want to be healthier inside and outside, as well as from head to toe, adding additional omega-3s into your diet and skin care routine is exactly what you need to do.

In fact, here are three beauty benefits that you will reap once you up your intake of omega-3s:

Your skin will be even more protected from the effects of the sun’s harmful UV rays.

As we mentioned above, omega-3 fatty acids help fight inflammation. And, believe it or not, some research has even suggested that these healthy fats can protect your skin against sun-induced inflammation, and thus help control how your body responds to UV rays.

Omega-3s aid in the fight against wrinkles.

Not only do stress, an unhealthy diet, and pollutions cause inflammation, but these things also affect your skin’s collagen. Because your collagen is negatively affected, your skin could have a harder time bouncing back after you make certain facial expressions. Therefore, this means that you can get wrinkles on your forehead, or around your mouth and eyes. Adding more omega-3 fatty acids into your diet, as well as using moisturizers and serums with omega-3s, will not only help to prevent those lines from forming, but they will support your skin’s overall structure.

Your skin will stay hydrated longer.

If you didn’t know, omega-3s are a key party of your skin’s lipid (fat) content and help it act as a seal that keeps irritants out and moisture in. So, there is no denying that increasing your omega-3 intake (by eating more omega-3 rich food and using omega-3 moisturizers) will do nothing but help keep your skin moist and hydrated.

While ingesting omega-3s will certainly offer you the most benefits, using organic skin care products that contain these fatty acids (such as cleansers, moisturizers, serums, and night creams) are also effective at helping your skin stay hydrated and wrinkle-free. And, if you are interested in products like this, you should consider our Omega-3 Collection.



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