A Little History On Sunscreen & How It Should Be Used

A lot of people might remember this when they were young: their mom or dad slathering Coppertone brand sunscreen all over their already-burned back, stomach, legs, arms, and face. Also, (for those of you who don’t know) sunscreen was not viewed as much as a necessity as it is today. This might sound shocking, but it was only something parents would put on their children until society finally realized how the sun’s UV rays caused skin damage, aging, and then cancer.

Since the realization of how important sunscreen is and the introduction of the sun protection factor (SPF), many people across the world are applying sunscreen daily. However, just “applying sunscreen” is not the only way you can protect your skin from the sun.

Applying sunscreen is one thing, but knowing when you should and how often to apply it is another.

According to HowStuffWorks.com, everyone should be applying sunscreen at least a half an hour before they step into the sun. Also, for those of you who have fairer and lighter skin, they also suggest applying some sunscreen before you go to bed the previous night. If you apply it the night before, the sunscreen will be thoroughly absorbed into the outer layer of your skin. However, make sure to get up and apply more (if you have fair skin) so that you are protected as much as possible.

How often should you reapply sunscreen?

Reapply sunscreen every two hours, and even more if you are swimming and sweating.

Don’t let the weather fool you, you can still get burned when it’s cold.

It’s a cloudy and cool day on an early May afternoon. You are outside planting flowers and bulbs, pulling weeds and trimming the hedges. Do you need sunscreen? Yes!  Even though it’s cloudy, ultraviolet light is not repressed by the clouds.

Also, (especially for those of you who ski) do not let the cold snow fool you. Even though the sun is it a lower angle in the winter, ultraviolet light easily reflects off the white snow and can cause sun damage.

Cover up and wear lighter clothing in the sun.

Aside from applying sunscreen before bed and 30 minutes before you go outside, something else you can do is cover up. Also, wear lighter clothing in the sun. According to The Skin Cancer Foundation, darker clothing and tightly woven fabrics/materials absorb UV rays quickly. Last but not least, after you take a dip in the pool or walk out of the ocean, grab a towel and dry off. A dryer bathing suit will offer more protection than a damp suit.

Inevitably, there are many things that you can do to protect yourself from the sun. However, the best thing you can do is ALWAYS apply sunscreen. Sunscreens that have been proven to help protect skin will prove the most valuable. In fact, if you want to buy natural skin care products that will keep you protected, Shira Esthetics has plenty.

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