3 Common Sunscreen Misconceptions

Most people know why they should wear sunscreen (as well as how important is to their health), but there are some individuals that do not use it properly. Keep in mind that, even though you are using it, you could still be putting yourself at risk for skin cancer, premature aging and sunburn.

A higher SPF number doesn’t necessarily mean more protection.

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), those who wear sunscreen have been led to believe that the greater the SPF value is, the more protection they have. However, buying a sunscreen with SPF 100 over one with SPF 50 will not make much of a difference. In fact, they found that SPF 50 will protect individuals from 98% of the sun’s rays and that SPF 100 will protect individuals from 99%. Although this 1% jump is a huge deal for some people, those who believe that they can spend more hours in the sun because they are wearing SPF 100 will eventually find that there is not much of a difference.

Never think applying sunscreen one time will ever do the trick.

Some people, especially those who tan very easily, assume that applying sunscreen once is enough. Unfortunately, those who are swimming, sweating or are constantly wiping themselves with a towel, will need to reapply it every couple of hours. Even just sitting in the sun (without doing any of the three things we just mentioned) is cause to reapply sunscreen because, unfortunately, sunscreen breaks down after a few hours.

A cloudy day does not mean that you will not get burnt.

Even though it’s a cloudy day, almost 50% of the sun’s rays can still reach you. Also, don’t think that, because you are inside, you are protected. Unless the blinds and curtains are closed, nearly 80% of the sun’s rays can get through and harm your skin.

As a company that sells sunscreen and skin care products online, we know that it is important to provide our customers with the right products, as well as those that will prove ideal for their skin type. Therefore, we cannot stress enough the importance of wearing sunscreen, and properly using the right type to prevent sun damage!

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