Should You Be Using A Night Cream?

Do you regularly use toners, daily moisturizers and eye creams but skip out on the night creams because they do not seem necessary? Well, if you are concerned about wrinkles and lines—consider using a night cream!

Using a night cream means your skin is nourished and hydrated all of the time!

A lot of night creams are ultra-hydrating and contain anti-aging ingredients such as glycolic acid and retinol. In fact, the unique “nighttime” combination of all of these anti-aging ingredients will ensure that new skin replaces old skin faster. And, because of this, wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots are a lot less likely to appear!

When we say night creams are ultra-hydrating, we mean it!

Night creams are designed to be more moisturizing than daytime creams. Even though there might be no real reason to ultra-hydrate your skin at night, those with drier skin types may find many benefits from using a night cream.

So, are day creams and night creams really that different?

Not really. But, a lot of daytime moisturizers are lighter and contain SPF while night creams do not. Also, while most daytime products contain anti-aging ingredients, there is a higher concentration of them in nighttime products.

How can you tell if using a night cream is truly right for you?

In the end, if you are content with your daytime moisturizers and the current condition of your skin, there is no reason to add a night cream into the mix. However, if you are open to doing everything possible to combat the effects of aging, using a night cream is ideal. And remember, just like you needed to find the right skin care products to use during the day, it is also important to find the right ones to use at night!

Why not try one of our night creams?

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